ADELANTO – As most living within the Victor Valley area are aware, Adelanto is now becoming known not only for prisons, but more recently for marijuana cultivations in specifically zoned industrial areas.
The marijuana cultivations are not your ordinary cultivations that you see people being arrested for, these are sophisticated, high-security, indoor locations. With state laws regarding the use of medical and recreational marijuana being somewhat unclear residents believe that the State of California will become a free-for-all with no regulations.
There are specific regulations for the safety of those who purchase for either recreational and/or medical use, those in the Victor Valley looking to make a purchase of marijuana had to drive to San Bernardino or opt for delivery. The City of Adelanto on Wednesday night voted 3-1 to approve two zoned areas where licensed dispensaries will be allowed to operate. The City said that they will approve approximately four dispensaries within the city limits and only within zoned areas.
The zones areas are a distance from any residential or otherwise highly-populated areas. These dispensaries, until the law change is in effect in 2018, will only be available for those possessing a medical marijuana card.
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Image Sources:
- Cannabis-City-of-Adelanto: Photo by Gary Martin | 24/7 Headline News