ADELANTO – Advancement in medical technology and in options for those struggling with illness of many kinds has made its home in the City of Adelanto.
The second medical cannabis company in the same week to host a ribbon cutting, Lifestyle Delivery Systems is set to begin operations delivering medical options to those who need them most. From those who have been dependant on medications such as insulin, ibuprofen, Benadryl, or even the EpiPen, Lifestyle Delivery Systems (LDS) may soon bring options to you.
LDS, the manufactures of “CannaStrips” may soon change the way medication of all kinds are dispensed. “LDS will soon be delivering marijuana medicine in a revolutionary way that has never been done before to people without them smoking it, without eating it,” said Brad Eckenweiler, LDS Chief Executive Officer. “This is new, everything we’re doing is like nothing else.”
The ribbon cutting on Thursday, October 19, 2017, was held at the Commerce Way facility. LDS and Adelanto city officials together hosted tours and a lunch for close to 100 people. CSPA Group President, Jerry Davis, came to Adelanto close to three years ago and was a steady voice in its medical marijuana movement, attending every council meeting, becoming involved in charitable and enrichment activities, and gaining the respect of the community.
“I came here for a business opportunity, but I found much more. I truly care about the people in this community, and I am proud to call many of them my friends,” said Davis. Together LDS and CSPA Group took a 20,000 square foot building and made improvements for their state-of-the-art facility. “Some of the equipment is proprietary while some uses patented technology,” said Eckenweiler. The facility will employ up to 30 people full time and 15 people part-time; generating millions in tax revenue for the once struggling city. “Our Council and residents can’t be more proud to have such a unique state-of-the-art facility in our community,” said Rich Kerr, Adelanto Mayor. “It’s exciting to see how many medical cannabis operations are becoming reality,” he added.
Eickernweiler said that they chose the City of Adelanto because of their ordinances relating to medical cannabis. LDS plans also include a nursery on site that will be operational in two months. CannaStrips was developed for children with cancer whose parents and physicians did not want them smoking or eating it. CannaStrips are taken sublinqually and dissolves in the patient’s mouth, not affecting their liver. “While we create a patent-pending CannaStrips, our competition basically creates fruit roll-ups. The downside with our competition is that very little of it will go through your mucous membrane because the saliva in your mouth basically creates a barrier. It protects you from that…you can’t swish alcohol around in your mouth and get drunk otherwise mouthwash would get you drunk,” said Eickenweiler. “In contrast, CannaStrips™ works in a matter of seconds or minutes.”The effect is predictable because the same dose is delivered into the bloodstream each time, lasting up to six hours.
“Lifestyle Delivery Systems is a publicly traded company on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE: LDS), is also traded on the OTC Markets (OTCQB: LDSYF) and thirdly, traded on the German Frankfurt Exchange,” according to Jim Pakulis, LDS President. “We have a tremendous opportunity to make a significant, positive difference in the beautiful Adelanto community, and at the same time honor our commitment to our shareholders and investors to do everything in our power to become a dominating entity in the California medicinal cannabis marketplace.”
Adelanto resident Shad Boyd, according to Eickenweiler had significant influence in bringing LDS to the City of Adelanto. “For all intents and purposes we would not have come to Adelanto, we didn’t know about Adelanto,” said Eickenweiler. “Shad is the person who came down to Orange County, met with Jerry Davis and because of his passion and foresight, convinced Davis to come by telling him “you have to meet Adelanto.” Lifestyle Delivery Systems intends to be in production in October and generating revenue either October or November at the latest.
For more information about CannaStrips contact Brad Eckenweilger, Chief Executive Officer, (702) 277-6733; For information about the city of Adelanto contact Gabriel Elliott, City Manager, (760) 246-2300 or
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Image Sources:
- LDS Ribbon cutting: City of Adelanto