ADELANTO – The City of Adelanto will be starting the annual water flushing of its water distribution system. City officials said that this water system serves 8000 customers and this must be performed in order to ensure the water meets state and federal drinking water standards. Water customers are asked to minimize usage during the time of flushing by avoiding the use of dishwashers, faucets, and laundry.
Flushing of the water distribution system will flush the main lines and hydrants and will help to improve the water quality by removing mineral and sediment deposits that accumulate over time. These minerals and sediment deposits are not harmful, but can, according to city officials, cause aesthetic water issues. “Water moves slowly through the underground water distribution system, and lines accumulate sediment that causes water discoloration, change in taste, odor, and even reduced pressure,” said Ray Cordero, Water Superintendent for Perc Water Corporation, which serves as the city’s Water Department. “Flushing improves water quality, delivering water that is clear, tastes better, and maintains good supply and pressure.”
Hydrants are opened for a short time and at strategic points of the system allowing water to move through the pipes at a high velocity allowing for the discharge of minerals and sediments. When complete, this will also help maintain the flow and pressure of the water system. “Customers may experience fluctuations in water pressure or temporary presence of sediment in their water during flushing periods, but the condition is temporary and poses no health hazard,” said Cordero.
Residents in the area of the flushing will be notified through mailers, phone calls, door hangers, and/or street signs. Signs will also be set up to inform those who see water flowing, but may not be aware of the flushing. “Virtually all Adelanto residents should expect to see us in their neighborhood once a year,” said Cordero. Those areas that may be more prone to higher sedimentation buildup may have twice-yearly visits.
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Image Sources:
- fire hydrant flushing: Adelanto