During the summer for the past few years, the Victor Valley region has conducted criminal suppression operations called, “Operation Desert Guardian”.
Operation Desert Guardian during the summer of 2016, sixteen operations, four each within Adelanto/Victor Valley (which includes unincorporated Victor Valley region cities), Apple Valley, Hesperia, and Victorville, the operation resulted in 376 arrests and 51 citations. The arrests included 37 arrests of individuals who were out on probation/ parole and several out on Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS); also referred to as AB 109.
Although data for the 2015 Operation Desert Guardian is not readily available, the 21 operations conducted in 2014 yielded 1136 arrests. The funds allocated to Operation Desert Guardian in 2014 allowed for 11 deputies and 1 sergeant, while the funds allocated in 2016 allowed for 8 deputies and 1 sergeant.
According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department news release, the operation was funded by the Town of Apple Valley, and Cities of Adelanto, Hesperia, and Victorville. Funds were also allocated by San Bernardino County First District Supervisor Lovingood. “We are very fortunate to have the support of the Board of Supervisors which, allows us to conduct these proactive enforcement operations. Sixteen dangerous weapons were seized, making the streets a little safer for residents. Public safety continues to be a priority for all of us.” stated Sheriff John McMahon
Sheriff’s Department divisions including MASH Narcotics, Desert Dispatch, and High Desert Detention Center Transportation participated in the operation. The operations conducted on Friday and Saturday nights began on Friday, July 8, 2016, and concluded on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
In the Victor Valley station jurisdiction, including Adelanto, there were 206 contacts made. During these contacts, 13 probation searches were done, and 73 arrests (12 felony, 61 misdemeanor)were made; one PRCS/AB 109. Drugs confiscated during the operations included 24 ounces of marijuana. Also seized during the operations of the Victor Valley station, was one stolen vehicle and two dangerous weapons.
The Apple Valley station jurisdiction made 147 proactive contacts and made 86 arrests (22 felony, 64 misdemeanors) sheriff’s officials said in the news release. Drug seized during the operations included 1.754 ounces of methamphetamine, 2.34 ounces of marijuana seized, 3 grams and .5 ounces of heroin, and sixty schedule 2 pills were seized. Also located was a stolen Yamaha Rhino, four firearms, and five dangerous weapons.
During operations within the Hesperia station jurisdiction, there were 138 proactive contacts made and 95 arrests (36 felony, 59 misdemeanor) were made. The Hesperia arrests included 20 arrests of probationers/parolees and one PRCS/AB 109 arrest. Drugs seized during the operations included 50 marijuana plants, 34.98 ounces of methamphetamine and 513 pounds and .102 ounces of marijuana. One stolen vehicle was recovered and six weapons were seized. A Honey Oil extraction lab was located, and $8,161 was seized from the location.
Victorville stations jurisdiction operations included 227 proactive contacts made and 122 arrests (36 felony, 86 misdemeanor) made. Drugs seized during the operations included 4.328 ounces of methamphetamine, 6.6 ounces of marijuana, and 40 ecstasy pills. There was also one stolen vehicle recovered (suspect previously in custody) and three weapons seized.
“On behalf of High Desert residents, I want to thank Sheriff McMahon and his local Deputies for these outstanding results and for making our neighborhoods safer,” said County Supervisor Robert Lovingood.
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Image Sources:
- wsi-imageoptim-Screenshot-2016-06-27-02.58.46: Photo Gary Martin (File)