LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. – A man caught on camera tossing an object into the window of a woman during a road rage incident has been identified and arrested, authorities said.
On Saturday, June 1, 2019, at around 8:00 a.m. the woman called 911 to report a “road rage incident” as she drove eastbound on Highway 74/Riverside Drive. She reported that a red vehicle was driving recklessly and crossing into opposing traffic in order to pass vehicles. Concerned that an accident might take place, she turned the camera function on her cell phone on. “As she continued to drive and eventually reached Collier Avenue, the woman noticed a black Toyota Corolla become involved in a “cat and mouse” game with the red vehicle; both vehicles appeared to be passing each other and rapidly applying their brakes,” Lake Elsinore Police officials said.
She turned right and drove southbound onto Collier Avenue. At the Central Avenue intersection she pulled into the left turn lane, she noticed the black Toyota approach from behind and pull alongside her vehicle in the inside turn lane. The man rolled his Toyota window down, uttered a profanity, and threw a metal object at her closed driver’s side window. The glass shattered, and he drove wway. “The victim, who was spared serious injury due to the safety glass of her side window, had recorded the incident with her camera,” authorities said.
Lake Elsinore deputies utilized the camera footage to identify and locate the suspect, 45 year-old Keith Lewis. On June 3, 2019, Lewis was arrested at his Lakeland Village residence. He was booked at Cois Byrd Detention Center for one felony count of throwing an object at a vehicle, in addition to several historical misdemeanor vehicle code charges which Mr. Lewis failed to answer in court.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact Deputy Brandon Aguirre at (951) 245-3300.
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